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Exercise Routines That Are Best for Your Body Type


Exercise Routines That Are Best for Your Body Type

Are you struggling to lose weight even with regular exercise and a proper diet? Or are you struggling to gain muscle mass even after having done all that is possible? Well, there is only one solution to all these problems. And that is knowing your exact body type. And no, we are not talking about the shape of your body but the actual somatotype. A somatotype describes the type of body based on a few characteristics. The general shape, bone structure, muscle mass, fat ratio, weight loss and gain patterns, etc.

Knowing your body type can help you maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle with adequate exercise and a suitable diet that is meant for you. All bodies are different and sometimes what works for your friends might not work for you. The science behind this is the difference in body shape, fat distribution, bone width.

The 3 Main Body Types

Following are the 3 different body types based on shape, fat to muscle ratio, metabolism etc,

  • Endomorphs
  • Ectomorphs
  • Mesomorphs

Every body has a different response to a particular diet, workout routine, or lifestyle. If you're not sure what would suit you best, you can always consult a professional fitness trainer to help you reach your goals. Let's discuss the body types mentioned above and what exercises and diets would suit them best;


The endomorphic body type is that which has a high percentage of body fat and lesser muscle mass. They are usually short in height and round. They may also have a slow metabolism and carbohydrates aren't their best friends.

Exercises for Endomorphs

Fat burning exercises that involve increasing the heart rate would suit endomorphs and help them build lean muscle. High intensity interval training is a type of workout that is beneficial for all but specifically endomorphs as it burns fat even during rest periods. Cardio in addition to strength training and weightlifting are a match made in heaven for endomorphs.

Pilates and yoga are also great for them as it still helps burn fat and is knee-friendly. Such conditioning exercises are helpful in increasing metabolism and keeping the body active. Workout routines should be practiced 3-5 times a week and for 30-45 minutes.

Diet Suitable for Endomorphs

Protein is best for endomorphs as it helps in building muscles and energizes the body. However, processed carbohydrates can have negative impacts on their weight as their bodies are sensitive to them. Eating small amounts can be acceptable but you need to cut the unhealthy carbs out if you want to achieve specific goals.

Foods such as salmon, chicken, tuna, eggs, etc, are great. Vegetables and fruit are also amazing for endomorphs. Grains, lentils, and cereals are also part of a suitable diet. Oatmeal is an amazing replacement for flour and gives you a good metabolism.


Ectomorphs are those with small body structures and they find it hard to gain weight no matter what they eat. They have a fast metabolism and require a high-calorie diet.

They should avoid any excessive cardio so they lose less fat and should opt for weight lifting or strength training coupled with high calorie intake. The food should involve adequate portions of macronutrients. Low-impact exercises like walking, yoga, and Pilates are good for them, they should focus on building muscle and eating properly.


These types of bodies are those that are muscular having less body fat percentage. They naturally have a strong muscular build with a thick and dense bone structure. Working out five times a week focusing on strength training and weight lifting would be ideal for mesomorphs.

Diet recommendations aren't strict, however, if they have a particular goal in mind, they should keep a balanced diet with good portion sizes. Less repetitions and dynamic movements would suit mesomorphs and give a good sweat session.


All body types are unique and beautiful and are capable of doing so much. These are only guidelines to help you find what suits you best. However, it is up to you to discover what is meant for you and you can only do so when you give things a try. Don’t be afraid to push your limits and keep living a healthy life.

By Charlie Johnson

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