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10 Tips For Selecting The Gym That Is Right For You


10 Tips For Selecting The Gym That Is Right For You

Sometimes picking the right gym to join is as tough as picking the right house to buy or the right shoes to match the rest of your outfit. For some, the choice is easy and simple, for others, hours of deep thought and anxiety filled nights are par for the course. Joining a gym is a big commitment, you are entering an unknown relationship that depending on the length of the membership contract can last anywhere from 30 to 365 days. So how do you know which gym is the right fit for you and your fitness goals?

Whether you are looking to join a gym for the first time or are looking for an alternative to your current workout facility, the most important thing to remember is that you are most likely going to be spending at least seven to ten hours a week there, so enjoy it. If you are looking to purchase a fitness center, gym or health club, WeSellGyms can provide you with finding the right opportunities that fit your personal and professional goals. Regardless of if you are a client or an owner, the following ten tips will provide you with the best gym workout experience possible.

1. Location, Location, Location: Selecting a gym that is close to either home or work is one of the most important parts of your decision making. Most people do not want to go out of their daily routine and battle unnecessary traffic. Being able to fit in a workout before work or after makes it easy to schedule. Throwing your workout gear by the door and in your car will help keep you committed and part of your daily routine. If you choose a facility that is close to home, the easy access by car, bike or walking makes the gym that much more attractive.

2. Do A Bit Of People Watching: Think about the time period that you are most likely to be going to the gym and then go check it out at that time. Is the 5am crew the type of likeminded and focused people you want to be around, or is the evening shift filled with the same energy and focus that you have? Also consider with the amount of people in the gym at the same time you plan to visit, will it impact your access to equipment? If you have to wait to get a cardio machine or certain weights, it might be something that impacts the enjoyment and flow of your workout.

3. Sharing Is Caring: Some big box gyms with multiple locations will offer clients the ability to work out at one of their numerous locations for either a small fee, limited times per month or at no charge. This is a great perk if you live/work in different areas or if you have to take a business trip or holiday. While it is rare, some gyms also tag up with other franchises and will offer clients a gym share option, again sometimes at a nominal fee.

4. Treat Others How You Would Want To Be Treated: While the gym can be a great place to share conversation, goals and team up for workouts, taking note of the cliental that occupy the space is important. Is it an older or younger crowd, are they beginners or experienced? You would also want to keep in mind how welcoming the front desk and training staff are? Are they constantly pushing product and services on you in order to make a buck or are they legitimately friendly and welcoming.

5. Group Classes and Trainers: Are you limited to working out on your own or does your membership offer you the ability to join in on specialized programs like Step, Pilates, Yoga, Spin or HIIT classes? Does the gym offer personal training and if so, what would the cost be and how available are the trainers? Check the times and availability of the classes as well as the instructors, sometimes the ones you want may or may not fit into your schedule.

6. Amenities: Some gyms just offer the basic bathroom and change-room facilities, others take it a level higher. How many showers are available? Is there towel and locker service available and at what cost? Is there a steam shower or sauna? What about a snack bar for those days in which you need to grab a quick healthy bite to eat after your workout? Is there ample parking? Have little ones with you? Some gyms offer daycare services at specific times so you can concentrate on some much needed “me time”. For some people these are unnecessary, however, when you have them, why not use them. Especially if you're looking for a Gym With Premium Indoor Cycling Studio, it's worth checking if these additional amenities are available to enhance your overall fitness experience.

7. Hours Of Operation: Are you an early bird or a night-owl? Do you only have free time on the weekends? What about holidays? Most big box gyms are open from 5am-10pm, but some of executive gyms have different hours of that may or may not fit your schedule.

8. Equipment: Are you big into heavy weight strength training or are you more of a body weight calisthenics type person or are you just there for the cardio? Whatever your flavour, just make sure that the gym has enough of what you need. Also make sure that the equipment is well maintained and relatively up to date. Not everything has to be state-of-the-art and brand new, but you don’t want to be trying to run on a busted up treadmill or lifting dumbbells with loose weights. Take note of how orderly the equipment is kept and how clients treat it. Is everything that you need easily accessible?

9. Cleanliness is Key: Gyms are one of the highest ranked germ infested places you can go. Think about it, the high volume of people breathing, sweating, touching. Yuck! Take note of how many cleaning stations (spray bottles, wipes/towels) there are in the gym and how often clients or staff use them. Also take time to check out the mirrors, lockers, bathrooms and floor mats. If those are dirty, chances are you might want to look elsewhere for your workouts.

10. Know Exactly What You Are Paying For: While healthy living should be a lifestyle choice not just a fad, the reality is sometimes life changes and so do your interests. Before you sign your name and hand over any payment, look into a trial membership. Most gyms will offer at least a seven day free trial that might include a couple of classes. Are you locking yourself into a membership that you cannot get out of? Is there different levels to the membership? At the end of the day, you are investing in you, so make sure it is money well spent.

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