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8 Exercise Machines Perfect For Senior Citizens’ Workout At Home


8 Exercise Machines Perfect For Senior Citizens’ Workout At Home

Exercise is essential if you want to keep in good shape. It doesn't matter how old you are; everyone needs exercise in their life to stay healthy. Those who can afford it may join gyms or go jogging every morning, but what about senior citizens?

Senior citizens will especially get a range of benefits from exercising, including increased bone density, better sleep, and more energy throughout the day. For this, many seniors require home care assistance. They might have a hard time joining a gym due to a lack of mobility, but that's no reason to stop them from staying fit and healthy at home by using the best exercise machines there are out there for more details on these eight top-rated exercise machines perfect for senior citizens' workouts at home.

Here are eight exercises you can do with machines at home:

1) Home Treadmill

The treadmill is one of the most popular exercise equipment out there, and there's a good reason why. Treading will help your heart and lungs work better and improve circulation throughout your body. For seniors who want an intense workout, try walking at 4.0 MPH. This speed is equivalent to a light jog so you will burn quite a bit of energy in just 30 minutes!

On the other hand, if you want an easier workout, walk at 1.5 MPH. If your treadmill allows for incline adjustments, set it to 2% and take your time walking up hills to increase your heart rate while working out different muscle groups.

2) Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are great because they are very lightweight pieces of equipment that come in different resistance levels depending on how much you can handle. The bands are also cheap and easy to find in most fitness stores or online retailers. Many exercises can be performed using these bands.

Start by simply standing in the middle of the band and holding both ends with your hands. Slightly bend your elbows as you lift the band to shoulder height. Keep a steady pace as you slowly lower it back down. This type of resistance workout is perfect for senior citizens who want to improve their balance.

3) Stability Ball

The stability ball is another fun piece of equipment that will help you become more balanced, increase flexibility, and strengthen core muscles. For those looking for a more straightforward exercise, try sitting on top of the ball with your feet touching the floor slightly apart from each other. Tighten your stomach muscles as you sit tall by lifting your chest upwards until an imaginary line connects it with your chin! Try not to slouch, but stay tall throughout the exercise. The best part? You'll feel confident because you can do it anywhere!

4) Hand Weights

These are especially good for seniors who want to focus on toning their upper body. Hold both ends of the dumbbell in one hand and make sure your palms face each other. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart while bending your knees slightly. Tighten your stomach muscles as you stand tall by lifting your chest until an imaginary line connects it with your chin. Try not to lock out the arms when lifting the weight, but keep them slightly bent instead to feel the tension in the biceps.

5) Yoga Mat

Although yoga isn't always considered an exercise, it is a great way for seniors to stay active because it helps improve balance and strength. Some of the basic yoga poses that can be done at home include standing forward bend, tree pose, and warrior pose. With a bit of practice, these exercises will become second nature.

For those who want to exercise from home but don't have much time on their hands, these five activities are perfect for you! They won't only keep you fit as a senior citizen, and they'll also help prevent disease and maintain general health so you can live even longer!

6) The Elliptical Machine For Seniors

The elliptical machine is a popular choice among seniors and athletes because it simultaneously works out multiple body parts. It's perfect for your heart since it's a low-impact exercise that allows you to exercise without putting too much pressure on your muscles or joints.

7) The Exercise Bike

The exercise bike is another low-impact activity that allows you to work out your heart and legs without overstressing certain muscles or joints. It's also easy to use indoors since it doesn't need much space.

8) Dumbbells And Weightlifting Equipment For Seniors

Dumbbells are perfect if you're looking for resistance training equipment; they allow you to strengthen specific muscle groups easily by doing arm curls, shoulder presses, and other simple exercises with them instead of using machines that might be too complicated for some seniors' liking. By using dumbbells, seniors can reduce their risk of injury by not using heavyweights.

Wrapping Up!

So there you have it; these 8 top exercise machines are perfect for senior citizens' workout at home! Going through your golden years without exercising like most people do when they're young is a mistake, so make sure to do your research and invest in great equipment that will help you stay fit!

Written By Jamie Roy

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